MOTUS: Motus is an international non-profit organization founded in 2015 in Turin, Italy. Motus’ aim is to promote transformation and innovation, through training and conferences, in institutions: private, public, non-profit organizations, sports structures
Actis Spain Avutann France and Italy
Besod Siach Israel
ES Clermont Business School France
Faculty of Psychology, University of La Habana Cuba
Fondazione Principessa Laetitia Italy
InnovAcción Grupo para el Diseño y Transformación Institucional Peru
Institut Psychanalyse et Management France
Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy Israel
MaTRIS pour la Transformation des Rôles et l'Innovation Sociale Belgium
Murialdo community Italy
Malmö Psykologerna Sweden
OPPIForma Italy
Otherness France and Togo
Reflexive Lenses Consulting India RICE International Network and Congolese from abroad Congo and France
TILT South Africa