MOTUS: Motus is an international non-profit organization founded in 2015 in Turin, Italy. Motus’ aim is to promote transformation and innovation, through training and conferences, in institutions: private, public, non-profit organizations, sports structures
- Actis Spain
- Avutann France and Italy
- Besod Siach Israel
- ES Clermont Business School France
- Faculty of Psychology, University of La Habana Cuba
- Fondazione Principessa Laetitia Italy
- InnovAcción Grupo para el Diseño y Transformación Institucional Peru
- Institut Psychanalyse et Management France
- Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy Israel
- MaTRIS pour la Transformation des Rôles et l'Innovation Sociale Belgium
- Murialdo community Italy
- Malmö Psykologerna Sweden
- OPPIForma Italy
- Otherness France and Togo
- Reflexive Lenses Consulting India
- RICE International Network and Congolese from abroad Congo and France
- TILT South Africa